Joyful and healthy intimacy...

Niall Boyllan chats with Beatrice Radosa about Tantra  and the Little intimacy secrets project - Night time talk on Classic hits radio

There's many different styles of celibacy that Tantrikas can choose from. It's a very individual journey and each person should intuitively feel what is correct for them. Some people choose to opt out just from sexual intercourse, some include hugging, kissing etc. Some people during their celibacy focus on masturbation and discovery of their...

Our sexual identity and desires are a result of a unique combination of personal unconscious and collective unconscious, a concept developed by Carl Jung. Personal unconscious represents all the information and experiences of our lifetime that have been forgotten or repressed but continue to influence our behaviour on an unconscious level. ...

Maybe you have the experience too. The intense connection and at first it seems like a connection from heaven, until a little hell and trauma bonding comes out on the surface... And apart from just in the bedroom, the relationship just doesn't work.

1. The usual porn has esthetics and graphics of shame. It's not sex-positive and doesn't promote sexual health even though it's trying to pretend that it does. Or at least they are trying to say that that's how sex should look like - shameful and dirty. It's like when they are falsely advertising processed junk food as healthy. It's...

My journey of womb healing completely changed my life. I am still on this journey of huge self development and understanding of my body and feminine energies.

Tantric massage is a very complex massage. Includes numerous massage and therapeutic techniques and yoga practices. Inspired by eastern philosophy, western analytical psychology, tantric massage was developed in 1980s by Andro Andreas Rothe in Germany. Tantric massage is based on ideas taken from the work of Wilhelm Reich, Carl Jung, Carl Rogers...